The hidden secrets of fragrance candles

From the wax to the wick, and the chemicals that add fragrance, candles can potentially pose health risks for various reasons.

One is the biggest risks is undisclosed synthetic fragrance.

We will take you into the secretive world of candle scents.

fragrance [frey-gruhns] noun

1. the quality of being fragrant; a sweet or pleasing scent.

2. perfume, cologne, toilet water or the like.

Finding a non-toxic candle can be more challenging than one might expect. Many candles boast scent names that evoke nature and natural ingredients, leading consumers to believe they are purchasing a product infused with lavender, lemongrass, neroli, or coconut. However, hidden behind these appealing names are ingredients like hexane, toluene, or 2-tert-Butylcyclohexyl acetate, which may be unfamiliar and potentially harmful.

So what is the problem with fragrance?!


Did you ever wonder why you have never seen an ingredient list on a candle or a perfume bottle? The term "fragrance" is a catch all term for up to 3,619 chemicals which do not have to be disclosed to the consumer because of the Fair Packaging Act (FLPA) which gives fragrance manufacturers a "trade secret" status for their ingredients.


A study in May of 2019 reported that 1 in 3 adults claim to experience health problems caused by fragranced products. Symptoms of fragrance exposure can include: headaches, dizziness, seizures, heart arrhythmia, gastrointestional problems, mucosal symptoms, breathing difficulties, and asthma attacks. A May 2002 study by the Environmental Working Group found that 72% of the fragranced products they tested contained endocrine disruptors that may mimic, block or interfere with the body's hormones are are associated with a wide variety of health concerns.


The National Academy of Sciences reported in 1986 that approximately 95% of the chemicals used are derived from petroleum and include benzene derivatives, aldehydes, and toluene. Fragrances can be toxic to aquatic life, and must be disposed of properly to not be an environmental hazard. A March 2022 Research Memo by Material Research L3C for the Women's Voices for the Earth calls into the question of safety for employees at fragrance manufacturing plants as well as the general population surrounding fragrance plants in Jacksonville, FL and Northern New Jersey.

Where can fragrance be found in your home?

Personal Care Products

Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap & Body Wash 

Home Scenting Products

Candles, Plugins, Air Fresheners

Misc. Products

Trashbags, Tissues,
Markers, Menstrual Pads

Learn More: Stink! Documentary

So, what's the solution to this toxic problem?


We believe consumers deserve to know each and every ingredient in the products they bring into their home and use on their body. When an ingredient list includes "fragrance," and not the individual ingredients used to create the fragrance, we do not trust the product.


Essential oils are a 100% natural scenting solution that consumers don't need to have a Chemistry Degree to understand. You can also opt for unscented products.


Because "natural" and "non-toxic" are unregulated terms, it is easy for companies to make false claims. Greenwashing is a major problem in the fragrance and candle industry. Third party certifications like MADE SAFE® and EWG Verified help consumers to trust that the ingredients in a product are as clean as the company claims. 

That's why we started Fontana Candle Company

- Our Mission -

We believe that everyone should be able to scent their homes without
exposing themselves and their loved ones to toxins. We provide 100%
natural ingredients, complete ingredient transparency, third party
certification, and consumer education of how to identify safe and
nontoxic scented products.

We share this information not to cause fear, but with knowledge comes empowerment.


Fontana Candle Company, LLC is in no way affiliated with any of the sources used on this page, or with Stink! the Documentary. Fontana Candle Company is in no way affiliated with Jason Kelce, and does not imply in any way that our products are endorsed by Jason Kelce.