What is Really in an Apple Spice Fragrance Candle?

Step aside, Pumpkin Spice—this Fall, Apple is taking center stage! While Pumpkin Spice usually dominates the season, Apple Spice is increasingly making its mark. We've previously explored the ingredients of a Pumpkin Spice fragrance candle,...

What is Really in a Pumpkin Spice Fragrance Candle?

Pumpkin Spice and everything not so nice? When you love Fall as much as we do, it is easy to get caught up in the Pumpkin Spice craze. But we want you to think again...

We put up a billboard that said "most candles are bad."

Yes, we are the candle company that put up a billboard on the exit of a major highway in our hometown of Lancaster, PA that said "Sorry Travis, Jason is right: most candles are bad."...

What is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) & Fragrance Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, also called Idiopathic Environmental Intolerances (IEI), is a chronic illness with physical symptoms caused by exposure to certain chemicals, even at extremely low levels. The chemicals...

Secrets in Fragrance Can Harm Someone?!

Fontana Candle Company often brags about our ingredient transparency and our pure 100% natural ingredients, but what don’t we have in our candles? Conventional store-bought candles have a number of harmful chemical additives, used to...

Sunscreen isn't the only product contaminated with Benzene.

If you haven't seen it plastered on the news, In July 2022, there was a nationwide recall of Banana Boat Sunscreen due to the presence of the carcinogen, Benzene. Scientists are increasingly finding benzene and...

What Is Natural Fragrance, and is it Safe?

Unfortunately, because components that go into giving a candle or any scented product its unique smell are considered a trade secret under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966, manufacturers do not have to...

California’s Fragrance Right to Know Act Reveals Toxic Chemicals – But There’s More to Disclose

If you’ve followed Fontana Candle Company or the non-toxic industry for some time, you’re likely already in on the secret that so many traditional companies don’t want you to know about: that hidden within their...

Ending Endocrine Disruption: How to Reduce Toxic Hormone Disruptors in Your Home

Scented candles, carpets, unfiltered drinking water, pesticides, and some cosmetics each share something in common – something none of their manufacturers want you to know about. Within each seemingly unrelated product are endocrine disruptors, chemicals...