Holiday 2022 Non-Toxic Gift Guide

We love using holiday gifting as an excuse to introduce our loved ones to our favorite non-toxic brands and products that we use on a daily basis! The entire Fontana Team weighed in and submitted...

Seasonal Toxin Exposure: What's in Fake Fog?

If you attend a party or visit a haunted house this Halloween season, you may see a fog machine creating a spooky atmosphere. When it comes to your health, fake fog is spookier than it...

Lymphatic System: The detox pathway you might be forgetting about.

Are you embarking on a non-toxic lifestyle? That's brilliant! You won't regret it. But there are a few things to consider before you do. Some people can feel worse before they feel better when they...

Sunscreen isn't the only product contaminated with Benzene.

If you haven't seen it plastered on the news, In July 2022, there was a nationwide recall of Banana Boat Sunscreen due to the presence of the carcinogen, Benzene. Scientists are increasingly finding benzene and...

What Is Natural Fragrance, and is it Safe?

Unfortunately, because components that go into giving a candle or any scented product its unique smell are considered a trade secret under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966, manufacturers do not have to...

Founder's Favorites: Summer Products

As the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and we have slightly more free time because it is not candle season! This is our time to recharge; time to get outside! We are sharing...

California’s Fragrance Right to Know Act Reveals Toxic Chemicals – But There’s More to Disclose

If you’ve followed Fontana Candle Company or the non-toxic industry for some time, you’re likely already in on the secret that so many traditional companies don’t want you to know about: that hidden within their...

Ending Endocrine Disruption: How to Reduce Toxic Hormone Disruptors in Your Home

Scented candles, carpets, unfiltered drinking water, pesticides, and some cosmetics each share something in common – something none of their manufacturers want you to know about. Within each seemingly unrelated product are endocrine disruptors, chemicals...

The Floral Industry’s Dirty Secrets

Where do flowers come from?  What has happened to those flowers prior to getting here?  Have those who grow the flowers been paid fair wages or treated well?  Are the flowers you purchase toxic? If...